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Draft Minutes from July 2014 meeting
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission
July 10, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners: Mike Genest, Joan Gorga, Sam Harding, Peter Lamb, and Isaac Lombard
Recreation Director:  Celeste Lunetta
The minutes from the June 12, 2014 meeting were approved as written.
Memorial Park
Signs.  More signs have been purchased, but we are waiting for the results of the July 21 Selectboard meeting, were there will be a discussion of the legality of smoking bans in public parks.  No progress has been made on replacing the large sign.  
Skate Park.  The skate camp went nicely.  One of the ramps is being taken out of service, as it has reached the point of being unsafe.  It was built of plywood, which has started to rot, and some of the steel plates have released.  Steve Ouellette may be able to make repairs; however, some feel that it could just be removed, leaving more space around the rebuilt pyramid structure.  If it is really missed, it can be rebuilt with Skatelite.
Maintenance.  The Bandstand has been repaired, although one broken seat is still out.  The cracked rails will be checked and a bent bench by the tennis court will be assessed for safety.  The vandalized electrical boxes will be dealt with right away.  
Ten-year plan.  Berkshire Design will stop to look at Memorial Park on an upcoming Friday.
Gregg Lake
Upgrade to 100 A service.  Done.
Beach/Boat Launch Issues.  A motion to designate a smoking area in one section of the point at the Public Beach was passed, with Sam Harding opposed.  This will be brought before the Selectboard for approval on July 21.  Following the Selectboard decision, additional signs will be placed at the beach.  The signs that have been posted are not attractive, but clearly state the new policy.  The big sings at the beach needs to be redone.  There has been some controversy over the ban on flotation devices in the guarded swimming area.  However, it was reiterated that these create a safety hazard in the guarded area, and swimmers are free to use them in the unguarded area.  The beach staff had a confrontation with someone blasting loud music from speakers, but he eventually relented and turned it off.
Use permits.  We have run out of resident beach permits, however, in the third year of the program, it seems to be running well.  Permission was granted for Crotched Mountain Resort and Spa to buy two non-resident beach permits for guest use.  
Shea Field
Use issues.  A decision will be made at the Selectboard meeting on July 21 regarding installation of a stop sign at the intersection of School Street and West Street.  It is proposed that a stop sign would increase safety for recreational programs at Shea Field, as well as for children traveling to and from school.
Women’s softball is using the field on Tuesday nights.  Celeste is also working on getting recreational ultimate (Frisbee) going.
Maintenance.  The grass is lush so far this summer, and the new mower is working well.  There are runoff issues on the slope leading down to the field.  Peter would like to cover the slope with cobblestones to try to get the erosion under control.  He will work on getting a quote to present for next year’s budget.    
ConVal Agreement
Antrim’s Counterproposal.  A few more compromises were made on both sides, and our final request in going over the latest version of the agreement from ConVal was to suggest that point people be named for both sides when the need to communicate arises.
Shea Field Agreement.  It appears that the same group will now work on an agreement over the shared use of Shea Field.  We tossed around ideas for what Antrim should be looking for in that agreement, and will put together a list in anticipation of ConVal submitting a proposal.  Possible items:
  • We would like ConVal to request specific hours to use the field.
  • Antrim should request a dollar amount for wear and tear, which could be adjusted from year to year in accord with the ConVal budget process.
  • The Antrim Rec Dept. should have jurisdiction over opening and daily use of the field.
  • Field painting should be done during the day.
  • Field use should be restricted to physical education and small group educational events.  It should not be used for recess and general hanging out.
  • Field use will be granted as a courtesy until 4:00 pm.  Any use after that will require specific prior approval.
  • ConVal will be required to pick up and store their equipment.
Town Gym
Update.  PA speakers are in the process of being installed in the gym.  
Recreation Department
Update.  We will no longer be offering gymnastics, since the insurance rates have gotten too high.  We will be getting rid of the equipment, including scrapping the big beam, because we don’t want to be liable for injuries.  
The new cubbies in the lobby area are proving useful for the summer camp kids’ belongings.  Celeste is working to get rid of the soda machine in the lobby.  It is a source of heat and is rarely used.  
The Thursday volleyball crowd has been dwindling; if it doesn’t pick up in the next few weeks, the gym space will be given to basketball instead.
We continue to have trouble with the school door lock.  It is a potential safety issue if there is a delay in getting into the school.
A mosaic is being constructed this week.  It will hang inside the school to avoid vandalism.
The summer camps are all filled, and lifeguard training went well.  Many in the track and field program made it to the state meet, where Antrim made a name for itself.  Three high school girls, paid through the Richardson fund, worked with the younger girls.   
Plans for next year.  Items that we should consider putting into the budget for next year:
  • Cobblestones to reduce erosion on the slope by Shea Field
  • Replacement of the failing gym floor
  • Shea Field lights.  Peter will speak to Mike Cachinos about putting the lights onto Google Maps.
  • We may need to replace the raft at the beach.  It was billed as having a 10-year lifespan, and is now 13 years old.  At a minimum, the welding needs to be repaired in several spots.
  • The bent park bench in Memorial Park may need to be replaced if it is deemed unsafe.  It is about 15 years old.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 14th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary